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About the Chiropractor

Chiropractor near me

Dr. Clayton Horstman

In the middle of his 8th grade football season Dr. Horstman's lower back began to hurt. As the season went on the pain increased to where he wasn't able to walk. With basketball season coming and unable to play he visited a couple of doctors and was told to rest, ice, and do these exercises but nothing was helping. His parents decided to take him to the chiropractor in which Dr. Horstman's response was, "What's a chiropractor?" He went and received his first chiropractic adjustment. Instantly he felt better and played in his basketball game that same night without any pain. That was the time Dr. Horstman knew he wanted to be a Chiropractic Physician so he could treat and help others with lower back pain and other physical ailments.  


In 2012 Dr. Horstman graduated from Cleveland Chiropractic University-Kansas City. Following graduation he began practicing in Colorado. Two years later he began Iron Mountain Chiropractic in Missouri. For 5 years Dr. Horstman built a successful practice. In July of 2019 he and his wife felt that they needed to move to Utah to be close to family. With his vast experience in treating and adjusting people, with many conditions and of all ages, he is excited to be a Chiropractor in Herriman, Utah.

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